Resilient Roots Ecology, LLC

Open Space Management Consulting

Resilient Roots Ecology provides consulting services for managing native open spaces for both ecological function and aesthetic appeal. 


Multi-year Consulting

Ecosystems move slowly in Colorado's harsh climate. It often takes several years to see the full effect of restoration and management work in native plant communities. We can provide long-term consulting services to manage your community's native areas in a sustainable and effective way. 


Some benefits of long-term consulting services: 

One-time Consulting

Short-term consulting can help optimize an existing open space management program. Existing land managers with experience on the site can work with us to develop a comprehensive and adaptive management plan. Management plans can provide recommendations for mowing timing, revegetation, and invasive species control, as well as helping with any other community concerns. 

We can also work with your community management to educate residents about the value and function of native open spaces in their neighborhood. 

For more information about our services, please send us a message!